The Main Theme:

World Youth Meeting 2018

What does well-being mean for our future?


What is “well-being?” You may be more accustomed to the word “welfare.” The primary focus of “welfare” is, however, on marginalized people, who have more serious needs for some help to survive. Nowadays, the concept of welfare needs to be broadened and “well-being” is considered more appropriate to refer to “realizing a society where all the members have a sense of security and happiness.”

In World Youth Meeting 2018, we would like to discuss “well-being” in this latest, broader range of meaning. What consists of our sense of “well-being” in our daily life? Is the sense of “well-being” similar or more diverse in the different parts of the world? If some people do not have a sense of “well-being,” what is missing in their community, and what actions can be taken to make the community a better place to live?

The participants are invited to start exploring the theme, considering the following three essential issues that may enable people to have a sense of well-being.

1.      Healthy Life --- Mental and physical health

2.      Designing your Life --- A stable income and open opportunities for (higher) education

3.      Meaning of your Life --- Having opportunities for interacting with people and making contribution to communities


プレゼンタイトル例: Possible Presentation Title

Ø  東京オリンピック/パラリンピックをどう生かすのか(SDGs-G3,&17)

Ø  To share our experiences of the Tokyo Olympic games and Paralympics?

Ø  To share our rich store of knowledge

Ø  働くこと 生きること(SDGs-G8

Ø  To balance work and life

Ø  WYMを通じた国際理解と参加国間のパートナーシップ(SDGs-G4&17

Ø  To establish a partnership among WYM participating countries

Ø  幸せの形 アジアから学ぶ(国内格差と是正に向けた取り組み)(SDGs-G10

Ø  To find solutions from Asia -- narrowing down disparity of our own country
Ø  外国人観光客の受け入れ(SDGs-G9&11

Ø  Tourists from abroad 

Ø  医療と福祉SDGs-G3

Ø  Medical care and well-being

Ø  台湾と交流してしあわせに思えるとき

Ø  Something happy with Taiwanese friends

Ø  しあわせ感とテクノロジー

Ø  Happiness and technology

Ø  あなたのふくしと私のふくし いっしょ?!

Ø  What’s the difference between your well-being and my “Fukushi?”

Ø  私の理想の老後の生活







2018年のWorld Youth Meetingでは、Well-beingを、より広い意味で考えていきたいと思います。私たちが普段の暮らしで「安心だ」「幸せだ」と思えるには何が必要なのでしょうか。Well-beingのとらえ方は地域によって異なるものでしょうか。何が不足だとWell-beingを感じられなくなってしまうのでしょうか。その人たちが自分たちの暮らしの中で安心感や充足感を持てるために、私たちは何ができるでしょうか?









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