Wed, 3 Aug 2006


House of Joyを通して学生による国際協力を考える

House of Joy(フィリピン)  関西大学     東京国際大学

  ロセル・スワレス    津越 千佳   渡辺祥子 酒井梨央


 今回は、フィリピンでのプロジェクトで活動しているフィリピン、ミンダナオ島・サンイシドロにある養護施設House of Joyから施設で生活しているロセルが来日し、彼女の生活やHouse of Joyのことを紹介。次に、このプロジェクトに関わっている関西大学の津越よりプロジェクトの紹介を行います。最後に、これらの事実を知って、私たちに何ができるか、どのような国際協力ができるかについて、埼玉県川越市にある東京国際大学で国際関係・国際協力・国際報道などを学ぶ渡辺と社会心理学を学ぶ酒井が考えます。フィリピンの現実から、立場の違う4人が、それぞれの立場でできることをお話します。

House of Joy: A Case of International Cooperation by Students

House of Joy                Kansai University         Tokyo International University

(The Philippines) Rochelle Suarez                Chika Tsugoshi  Shoko Watanabe    Rio Sakai

 One of the reporters of this presentation, Chika Tsugoshi, belongs to Prof. Kubota’s seminar at Kansai University, located in Osaka Prefecture.  Prof. Kubota’s seminar has been conducting a variety of projects both inside and outside Japan, and has been studying how we can promote interactive and collaborative learning among students in overseas countries and Japan with the help of ICT, such as PCs and the Internet.     

 The project in the Philippines reported in our presentation is among such research projects.  First, Rochelle Suarez from the Philippines will give you an overview of her life and the House of Joy, the children’s home where she lives.  The House of Joy is a privately-run children’s home established in San Isidro, Mindanao, and the Kubota seminar’s Philippine project has been working with it.  Then, Chika Tsugoshi, who has been involved in this project, will present an outline of the project.  Finally, the two reporters from Tokyo International University in Kawagoe City, Saitama Prefecture—Shoko Watanabe, studying international relations, international cooperation, and international broadcasting and journalism, and Rio Sakai, studying social psychology—will consider how (general) students can contribute to international support and cooperation projects, knowing the facts reported so far.  This way, each of us, with a different background, will discuss what we can do for the Philippines.