Wed, 3 Aug 2006


ごみ問題と幸せな生活     日本福祉大学 と カンボジア工科大学

ナン・フィセ 佐藤洋一 梨木亜希子 村上円 吉川貴大



Garbage Problem and our happy life

Nihon Fukushi University  & Institute of Technology of Cambodia

Nang Pisey Yoichi Sato Akiko Nashiki Madoka Murakami Takahiro Yoshikawa 

Now the Garbage problem is really important issue in the world. We make our lives as a part of nature, aren't we?  After Joining a volunteer work like leaning up the environment , we could get the sense of fulfillment. This energy surely prove we are the part of nature.

 In our presentation , we would clarify what we can do to solve this problem under the collaboration between Cambodia and Japan. We really want them to exam our terrible experiences like " deterioration of environment-Kougai"

 Now we are trying so hard to exchange information with Mr.Pisey who is students at Institute of Technology of Cambodia. We can share PPT files to brush up our presentation files in which we could recognize how Information and communication will work our daily life.

 At first we could not know what to do, but to take one small step toward this issue, we participated to the activities of cleaning and did a questionnaire in Japan and Cambodia. we really wish that the all participants who join WYM can be the person who will consider  this issue with us and do something for our future together.