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Music Session / Reflection Movie

Reflection Movie

Reflection Movie(リフレクションビデオ)


Communication Madia(交流媒体) は、中京大学と日本福祉大学の先輩達が立ち上げてくれたWYMのサイトです。ここでは世界中の人たちがWYMについてのチャットやBBSに書き込むことができます。台湾からの参加が多いのでコミュニケーションはほとんど英語で行われていますが、日本人の参加も多くうれしい限りです。またこのチャットでは誰かが入ると誰かが入ってくる魔法のチャットになっていますので、ぜひ皆様の参加をお待ちしています。
Access: http://duet.hiroba.sccs.chukyo-u.ac.jp/~zemi/wym2004/index.htm

Chukyo University team has made "Reflection Movie" for WYM every year. This year we would like to focus more on everyone's feelings and wishes. We believe that every experience, whether it's fun or hard, experience of difficulties and of overcoming them together, is very meaningful. Behind each presentation on the stage of WYM, there must be countless wishes and experiences of the members. We believe that meaning is hidden in tiny fragmental experiences - we would like to capture them at the very moment and location, before they slip into unawareness. Also, meaning emerges by connecting many tiny elements each of which may appear insignificant. We hope our movie will provide everyone with an opportunity to discover those meanings. We would like to build on what the previous members did and create something even greater. We also manage the above website to support communication among the WYM participants.

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