ワールドユースミーテイング 2000 

in 名古屋 7月22日〜23日

  • Kappeln 職業高校の紹介
  • 交流前に知っていたお互いの国のこと
  • 交流の中で知ったこと
  • ドイツの中の日本、日本の中のドイツ
  • メラニーの日本体験
  • 交流を振り返って 〜 これから
TOPへ 1 次のページ



Minasan konnichiwa My name is Karen Thomsen and I’m an English teacher at the vocational school in Kappeln / Schleswig in Germany.

Two years ago Fumie Kuga and I met for the first time when we were introduced to each other by Mr Kageto on the schoolnet conference in Nagoya and on the High School conference in Nara.

Ever since this time we have tried to work together with our English students.

Last April I had the chance to visit Midori-High-School and to meet some students who are members of the English club. We did various activities throughout the year