

My name is Seiya.

I enjoyed your writing about your frstival.

Yes, we have a lot of festival but it is not holiday.

We have to go to school.

We enjoy it after school.

I am going to introduce Star Festival.

July 7 is called Tanabata or Star festival.

It is not a national holiday but most Japanese kids celebrate it.

We cut up colored paper 15cm x 5cm wide.

They write different words on the paper, such as gTanabatah,

Star Festival and gMilky Way.h We may write what they want to

Become or whatever they wish. They hang these of paper on

Bamboo. After the bamboo in decorated with different colored papers.

We listen a story from my mother. It is a story of Orihime and

Hikoboshi. Orihime fell in love with a young man called Kengyuu.

Being madly in love, she could not concentrate on her weaving. So

They were separated. Orihime was made to gp to one side of the

Milkey Way. Kemgyuu was made to go to the other side. They were

Permitted to meet only on July 7. We celebrate their meeting on

the Day.

Here is our decoration. They were fun!



Our decoration